Assessment & Academic Achievement Office

Hocking College is a learner-centered, two-year college that focuses on interactive, hands-on learning to promote learner success. We are committed to providing learning experiences that enable our students to acquire the skills and knowledge essential to their future success. 

"Assessment is an ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning. It involves making our expectations explicit and public; setting appropriate criteria and high standards for learning quality; systematically gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence to determine how well performance matches those expectations and standards; and using the resulting information to document, explain, and improve performance." -- (Tom Angelo, AAHE Assessment Forum)

Assessment at Hocking College

Hocking College maintains a system of "Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes" to assure that students are well prepared for entry-level work in their chosen field or in order to transfer to four-year institutions.

Through this process, faculty strive to assure that their programs are current and relevant. They assess both technical outcomes called "Program Learning Outcomes" and general education outcomes called "Success Skills" that have been validated in conjunction with industry-recognized standards. Curriculum and courses are aligned to the Ohio Transfer Assurance Guides (TAGs), Career Technical Assurance Guides (CTAGs), and the Ohio Transfer Module (OTM). The Hocking College Assessment Plan outlines the processes used in assessment.

Assessment has clearly become an important part of Hocking College's academic processes. We will continue to improve the process even as we benefit from the improvements made as a result of it.

Success Skills and the Graduate

The Hocking College Success Skills are general, education outcomes needed on the job, at home and in the community. They are work and life skills, behaviors and attitudes that all graduates need to possess. Each Hocking program and discipline integrates the success skills into the curriculum and courses.

Success Skills address the areas that employers identify are needed to be successful in a career. Employers rank these skills as most important in obtaining and keeping a job as well as advancing or seeking promotions.

Hocking College is committed to helping students develop the Success Skills in classes, labs and field experiences, as well as in co-curricular activities.

Success Skills

The CE Success Skill deals with written and verbal communications skills and its subcomponents such as reading, grammar, public speaking and listening skills.


(CE-1) Reads, comprehends, analyzes and evaluates various types of writing and other communications.

  1. Understands main idea.
  2. Understands author's intent.
  3. Analyzes logical development of topic and/or argument.
  4. Evaluates effectiveness of written document.

(CE-2) Logically organizes, develops and communicates an idea or position.

In any formal communication, spoken or written, the student will include:

  1. Provides an introduction.
  2. States main idea (thesis).
  3. Gives a logical arrangement of subtopics.
  4. Fully supports and develops each point, using and documenting outside sources when appropriate.
  5. Includes a conclusion.

(CE-3) Adapts communications to audience, situation and purpose.

  1. Recognizes differences among audiences in attitudes, beliefs and/or levels of technical knowledge and adapts communication accordingly.
  2. Recognizes differences in situations such as level of formality required, type of communication needed and adapts communication accordingly.
  3. Recognizes purpose of communication.

(CE-4) Uses prewriting, drafting, revising and editing techniques.

  1. Plans before writing by brainstorming, freewriting, mapping, listing, and/or outlining.
  2. Prepares a preliminary draft.
  3. Revises draft for organization as noted in A-2.
  4. Revises draft for completeness of development as noted in A-2.
  5. Edits draft for language use as noted in A-5.

(CE-5) Uses appropriate vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, spelling and/or syntax.

(CE-6) Writes effective business/ technical communications, including memos, letters and reports.

  1. Recognizes and adapts to audience, situation and purpose as noted in A-3.
  2. Formats documents appropriately.
  3. Uses appropriate reader-centered tone and style.
  4. Drafts document as noted in A-4.
  5. Edits document as noted in A-5.

(CE-7) Develops and conveys instructions and procedures clearly.

  1. Analyzes audience's level of expertise and adapts instructions accordingly.
  2. Begins instructions by listing tools and/or materials needed.
  3. Calls special attention to warnings.
  4. Breaks task into single steps.
  5. Uses appropriate tone.

(CE-8) Demonstrates public speaking skills.

  1. Adapts message to audience and purpose as noted in A-3.
  2. Organizes and develops message as noted in A-2.
  3. Effectively uses appropriate visual aids to enhance the presentation.
  4. Speaks in a fluid, confident manner.
  5. Uses appropriate vocabulary, grammar and syntax.
  6. Maintains eye contact with audience.
  7. Uses non-verbal expressions effectively.

(CE-9) Applies effective listening techniques.

  1. Focuses attention on speaker.
  2. Asks clarifying questions.
  3. Can repeat speaker's main points.
  4. Listens for speaker's feelings in addition to speaker's words.
  5. Responds appropriately to speaker.

(CE-10) Uses and perceives non-verbal cues.

  1. Establishes and maintains eye contact.
  2. Observes and interprets body position and movements of others.
  3. Respects appropriate boundaries of personal space.
  4. Aware of and controls own non-verbals to create a positive, confident impression in workplace.


The PA Success Skill deals with the skills that help you find and hold a job, such as job search techniques, time management, use of work technology and attendance.


(PA-1) Practices job search techniques, including constructing resumes and participating in interviews.

  1. Researches job and employer prior to applying.
  2. Follows specific agency application processes.
  3. Requests appropriate job application forms.
  4. Composes an acceptable cover letter and resume.
  5. Demonstrates effective interviewing techniques.

(PA-2) Demonstrates initiative.

  1. Interacts appropriately with classmates, instructors, colleagues and supervisors.
  2. Asks questions as needed.
  3. Independently seeks further information.
  4. Recognizes tasks to be performed and completes them (self-direction).
  5. Demonstrates willingness to learn new tasks.
  6. Demonstrates a positive work ethic.
  7. Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability related to work assignments.

(PA-3) Meets performance expectations.

  1. Performs efficiently, accurately, consistently and within expectations of career, job, and course.
  2. Accomplishes skills and tasks assigned.
  3. Adheres to college/work policies and procedures (including Hocking College Student Guide and Program Handbooks).
  4. Arrives at job/class every day, on time and ready to work.

(PA-4) Recognizes organization structure and uses chain of command.

  1. Follows chain of command.
  2. Uses appropriate formal and informal lines of communication.

(PA-5) Exhibits knowledge of basic principles of supervision and leadership.

  1. Identifies the characteristics of good leaders, supervisors and team members.
  2. Uses personal strengths in leadership and team positions.
  3. Provides feedback in positive and constructive ways.
  4. Uses conflict resolution process.

(PA-6) Sets priorities and manages time efficiently in accordance with priorities.

  1. Prioritizes tasks to be completed.
  2. Completes tasks accurately and on time.
  3. Uses class/work time appropriately.
  4. Comes to class/work prepared.
  5. Develops ongoing professional and personal goals.

(PA-7) Adheres to health and safety standards and procedures, and plans how to react in emergencies.

  1. Follows health and safety standards, practices, and procedures.
  2. Responds appropriately in emergency situations.
  3. Participates in emergency drills and training.
  4. Closely adheres to established standards for security practices and procedures.
  5. Identifies unsafe conditions and takes corrective action.

(PA-8) Maintains image consistent with technology standards.

  1. Maintains appropriate grooming and hygiene.
  2. Presents an image appropriate to specific industry standards.

The CT Success Skill deals with solving problems by thinking them through and learning from successes and failures.


(CT-1) Define Problem.

  1. Asks pertinent questions.
  2. Applies effective observation techniques.
  3. Gathers necessary information using a variety of primary and secondary sources and techniques.
  4. Extrapolates, applies, synthesizes and integrates knowledge gained from research.

(CT-2) Researches, analyzes, and evaluates information for accuracy and relevance.

  1. Identifies fallacious reasoning, and withholds judgment when evidence is inconsistent or incomplete.
  2. Detects bias.
  3. Analyzes own position in reaction to alternative or conflicting viewpoints.

(CT-3) Identify Strategies

  1. Recognizes and summarizes salient points.
  2. Clusters relevant data together.

(CT-4) Propose Solutions / Hypotheses

  1. Seeks and considers multiple possibilities.
  2. Anticipates consequences.
  3. Facilitates and navigates change.
  4. Demonstrates a willingness to take appropriate risks.
  5. Perseveres to achieve best results.

(CT-5) Evaluate Outcomes

  1. Considers multiple explanations.
  2. Learns from mistakes.
  3. Makes assertions carefully, basing them on sound logic and evidence.
  4. Recognizes that failure of solution/hypothesis is part of the process not the end of persistence.
  5. Engages in continuous quality improvement.

The ET Success Skill deals with honest responsible citizenship and the morals of everyday living.


(ET-1) Acts with honesty and integrity.

  1. Adheres to established college, course, and class rules.
  2. Recognizes the harm to self and others from dishonesty.
  3. Exhibits honesty in communication with a good faith attempt to be truthful, accurate, straightforward, and fair.
  4. Demonstrates honesty and integrity in conduct.
  5. Uses core ethical values to guide actions.
(ET-2) Acts responsibly.
  1. Exercises appropriate restraint.
  2. Overcomes obstacles rather than surrendering to them.
  3. Honors commitments, obligations, and promises to self and others.
  4. Takes responsibility for thoughts and actions.
  5. Avoids blaming others.
  6. Accepts consequences of choices (action or inaction).
(ET-3) Resolves personal conflicts and social dilemmas through an ethical decision-making process.
  1. Uses a principled reasoning process for ethical decision making.
  2. Questions an ethical decision by asking if it is legal, right, just, not harmful, and socially acceptable.
  3. Applies the positive principles of honesty, respect, fairness, support, and duty.
(ET-4) Respects rights and dignity of others.
  1. Recognizes the rights of all.
  2. Protects the dignity of others.
  3. Applies Hocking College Core Values.
  4. Shows thoughtful concern for the interest and well-being of all.
(ET-5) Respects intellectual property rights.
  1. Does not commit plagiarism.
  2. Documents work other than own.
  3. Refrains from duplicating copyrighted materials.

The HR Success Skill deals with the skills that help you interact efficiently with other people, both on the job and in everyday life.


(HR-1) Demonstrates appropriate interpersonal skills.

  1. Exhibits trusting and trustworthy behavior.
  2. Exhibits confidence in self and others.
  3. Recognizes the value of humor.
  4. Demonstrates how and when to show empathy.
  5. Exhibits the ability to keep an open mind.
  6. Engages in ongoing self-assessment.

(HR-2) Works effectively in group situations.

  1. Participates in discussion.
  2. Expresses opinions fairly.
  3. Listens to others.
  4. Actively participates to achieve mutual goals.

(HR-3) Resolves conflicts constructively.

  1. Takes responsibility for his/her role in the conflict.
  2. Remains open to discussion and negotiation of alternative solutions.
  3. Listens to others.
  4. Exhibits skills to diminish conflicts in a constructive and timely manner.

The MS Success Skill deals with the math skills that a student will encounter both on the job and in everyday life.


(MS-1) Solves addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems.

  1. Adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides whole numbers, decimals, and fractions.
  2. Performs order of operations (combined operations).

(MS-2) Estimates answers to math problems before solving.

  1. Finds approximate values.
  2. Estimates answers to closest value.
  3. Estimates answers before performing problem.
  4. Estimates sizes, distances, and quantities.

(MS-3) Applies basic math formulas and principles.

  1. Substitutes numbers for letters in a formula.
  2. Calculates answer using formula.
  3. Converts from one measurement to another (for example from English to Metric).

(MS-4) Processes ratio, percentage, proportion, decimal, fraction and conversion problems. 

(MS-5) Solves basic geometric and algebraic problems.

  1. Simplifies algebraic expressions.
  2. Solves an equation for unknown variable.
  3. Finds the perimeter of a figure.
  4. Finds the area of a figure.

(MS-6) Interprets and constructs graphs, charts and tables.

  1. Reads graphs, charts and tables.
  2. Analyze graphical or tabular data to draw conclusions.
  3. Constructs line graphs, histograms, bar charts, and circle graphs and tables.
  4. Graphs linear equations.

(MS-7) Expresses everyday relationships in mathematical terms.

  1. Extracts relevant information from a word problem.
  2. Translates a word problem into an expression.
  3. Solves workplace application problems.

The GA Success Skill deals with actions and behaviors exhibited locally that ultimately have a global effect.


(GA-1) Performs professionally with internal and external stakeholders by accommodating diversity in the program and/or workplace.

(GA-2) Synthesizes, integrates, and applies knowledge of varied demographics (socio-economic factors, geographic area, gender, nationality, religious views, ethnic background, educational level, political persuasion, age, etc.) in the context of the program and/or workplace.

  1. Functions with respect towards people who have ideas, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are different from his/her own.
  2. Considers perspectives of diverse groups when making decisions.

(GA-3) Contributes positively by identifying and responding to local communities’ needs.

  1. Apply concepts of environmental sustainability globally, by engaging in challenges and solutions within a local community.

The IT Success Skill deals with the aspects of technology and technology usage in and for the workplace.


(IT-1) Demonstrates honesty and integrity through the use of technology.

  1. Recognizes how digital footprints impact professional character.
  2. Applies professional standards to all online communication.

(IT-2) Demonstrates proficiency with technologies common to a specific program or career.

  1. Practices efficient and organized work flow using appropriate technologies to complete requirements.

(F-3) Designs and builds a professional digital profile relative to program (e.g. LinkedIn & LiveText).

  1. Completes a digital profile using clear language and visuals relative to the standards of the profession containing many of the following:
    • Professional picture
    • Education
    • Experience
    • Skills
    • Service/Volunteer activities
    • Certifications
    • Professional organizations/networking
    • Publications
    • Personal/Professional bio
    • Resume/CV

Outcomes by Program

Program Website
Dental Hygiene - Pending Accreditation  if_computer_1055084
Fitness Management if_computer_1055084
Healthcare Informatics if_computer_1055084
Laboratory Sciences: Medical  if_computer_1055084
Massage Therapy  if_computer_1055084
Massage Therapy Certificate  if_computer_1055084
Medical Assistant  if_computer_1055084
Physical Therapist Assistant if_computer_1055084
Practical Nursing  if_computer_1055084
Registered Nursing  if_computer_1055084
Transition Program - PN2RN  if_computer_1055084
 Program  Website
Accounting & Financial Services if_computer_1055084
Addiction Counseling  if_computer_1055084
 Art, Design, & Marketing if_computer_1055084
Associate of Arts if_computer_1055084
Associate of Individualized Study  if_computer_1055084
Associate of Science  if_computer_1055084
Associate of Technical Study if_computer_1055084
Business Management & Entrepreneurship  if_computer_1055084
Cyber Security & Network Systems if_computer_1055084
Early Childhood Education if_computer_1055084
Fashion Design and Retail Merchandising if_computer_1055084
Film & Video Production - Pending Accreditation if_computer_1055084
Insurance Certificate - Pending Accreditation if_computer_1055084
Music Management if_computer_1055084
Office Administration if_computer_1055084
Ohio Transfer Module (OTM) if_computer_1055084
Real Estate Certificate - Pending Accreditation if_computer_1055084
Website & Applications Development if_computer_1055084
 Program  Website
Baking if_computer_1055084
Culinary Arts if_computer_1055084
Fermentation Science if_computer_1055084
Hotel & Restaurant Management if_computer_1055084
 Program  Website
Agroecology if_computer_1055084
Animal Assisted Therapy - Pending Accreditation if_computer_1055084
Animal Assisted Therapy Certificate - Pending Accreditation if_computer_1055084
Ecotourism & Adventure Travel if_computer_1055084
Equine Health & Complimentary Therapies if_computer_1055084
Fish Management & Aquaculture Sciences if_computer_1055084
Farrier Science & Business if_computer_1055084
Forest Management if_computer_1055084
GeoEnvironmental Science if_computer_1055084
Geographic Information & Global Positioning Systems Certificate if_computer_1055084
Natural & Historical Interpretation if_computer_1055084
Natural Resources Law Enforcement if_computer_1055084
Timber Harvesting & Tree Care Certificate if_computer_1055084
Water & Wastewater Management if_computer_1055084
Wilderness Horsemanship if_computer_1055084
Wildlife Resource Management if_computer_1055084
 Program  Website
Criminal Justice - Corrections if_computer_1055084
Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement if_computer_1055084
EMT Paramedic Certificate if_computer_1055084
Fire & Emergency Medical Services if_computer_1055084
Firefighter Certificate if_computer_1055084
Ohio Peace Officer Basic Certificate if_computer_1055084
 Program  Website
Advanced Energy if_computer_1055084
Automotive Technology if_computer_1055084
Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Certificate if_computer_1055084
Construction Management - Carpentry if_computer_1055084
Construction Management - Commercial & Residential Electricity if_computer_1055084
Heavy Equipment Management if_computer_1055084
Heavy Equipment Operator Certificate if_computer_1055084
Welding Certificate if_computer_1055084

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